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Tenea pedis, most frequently known as Athlete’s Foot, occurs when fungi grow on the feet and cause a skin infection. It is a common condition among athletes and children who attend summer camp, but can affect anyone. Certain facilities are prime growing conditions for fungi like locker rooms, swimming pools, and showers, which can increase the risk of infection. Sweaty feet that spend all day in shoes are more likely to contract the condition than dry feet. You may have Athlete’s Foot if you exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Itchy, dry, or scaly feet
  • Cracked skin
  • Inflammation
  • Blisters

Not only is this condition annoying due to excessive itching but if not treated a bacterial infection could set in and possibly spread to the toenails. Keeping feet dry will decrease chances of fungi growth, so changing socks frequently is a good idea if engaging in activities that cause you to sweat. Avoid walking barefoot in public showers at the gym, around the pool, or anywhere else the conditions are warm and damp. Most of the time, over the counter (OTC) anti-fungal powders, sprays, or creams will treat Athlete’s Foot. If the condition is extreme and persistent, a doctor will prescribe stronger medication.

Heartland Podiatry, PC
2406 South R.D. Mize Rd.  •  Independence, MO 64057  •  816-478-3338
1161 SE Oldham Parkway  •  Lee’s Summit, MO 64081  •  816-478-3338
